Drug Tracebility


Work Details

Our blockchain solution will make a substantive difference to the pharmaceutical supply chain. At every stage of the process, barcodes will be scanned and recorded onto a blockchain ledger system which, in turn, records and creates an audit trail of the drug journey.

Sensors will be incorporated into the supply chain, with temperature or humidity being recorded onto the ledger system. 

Blockchain integrates these values by generating informative, real-time responses to events potentially impacting patient health, such as life-saving prescription medication debuts and product recalls.

Public safety

There are many public safety issues where blockchain will improve the efficiency of delivering a safe and effective medicine to end-consumer patients. 

Easy access to information

Pharmacies and other retailers can improve their internal and external inventories by tracking product movement from in-store and in-transit information.

Authenticity of Drugs

Blockchain system can validate 'the authenticity of product identifiers (verification) as well as the provenance of sellable units back to the originating manufacturer